January 17, 2006
DIANAssociates, Incorporated recently
attended the annual Division of Immigration Health Services (DIHS) 2006
Leadership Conference in Houston,
Texas. The conference was attended by key managers
not only from DIHS, but from the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration
and Customs Enforcement, Department of Health and Human Services, and the
Bureau of Primary Healthcare.
Bremer, CEO, and Dr. Rusty
Sloan, Medical Director (co-founders of DIANAssociates) discussed the DIANA Telehealth Program with the senior leadership and sponsored
a reception following the presentation.
The DIANA Telehealth Program has successfully
provided 24x7 clinical support to DIHS for over 5
years with particular focus on the teleradiology and telepsychiatry
From Left, Dr. Rusty Sloan, John
Bremer and Captain Gene Migliaccio, Director of DIHS
Captain Marian Moe, Health
Services Administrator from El
Centro, California,
discuss new telehealth implementations with John Bremer.
DIANAssociates, Incorporated is a leading provider of
telehealth clinical services. Current telehealth coverage is nationwide with
sites from California to Florida linked to clinical practice alliance
partners at major university medical centers and private clinical partners.